While afflicted with dragonblight, the target can't deal cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or thunder damage with its spells and attacks, and it can't impose any of the following conditions on other creatures: blinded, charmed, paralyzed, poisoned, and petrified.Within this Monster Manual you will find new conditions, poisons, and diseases. How do I make use of these Loot tables?Īll the rules for making use of these tables can be found in Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting, but you can easily take the magical effects from these creatures and place them into your players weapon and armor to give them magical There are other ways to obtain materials, but they are not relevant to this PDF. The rules for carving and capturing can be found to the right. The 2 most common ways to obtain material for you is carving materials off your kills or capturing larger creatures in the field. Obtaining materials to upgrade your weapon and armor is a core part of Monster Hunter. How do I obtain Materials found on the loot tables? A CR 2 creature will not have a legendary material, it will typically have a common magical effect with the chance of an uncommon effect if the PC rolls high enough on the table. The effects are also based on when the PCs will typically fight these creatures. In other cases, they are based off the creature's monster stat block or act as other magical items found within the 5e universe. Each loot table was constructed using magical effects based on the creature's armor and weapons in the monster hunter video game series. The loot tables are an addition to the ever growing supplement for playing a monster hunter styled D&D game. In this updated Monster Hunter Monster Manual, each creature stat block is followed up by its loot table that was once found in the Monster Hunter Monster Loot Tables. What is the table following a Stat block?